
Blueberry Plant (Legacy)

Original price was: ₹999.00.Current price is: ₹850.00.

Plant Specifications

Common Name Blueberry (Legacy)
Maximum Reachable Height  4 to 6 feet
Sunlight 6 hours of direct sunlight
Size Of Berries Medium-sized
Harvest Time Early May to end of June
Chilling Requirement More than 500 hours




About Blueberry Plant

Blueberry Legacy (Vaccinium corymbosum ‘Legacy’) is a popular blueberry variety celebrated for its delectable fruit and enduring qualities. This deciduous shrub produces medium to large-sized, sweet blueberries that are perfect for fresh consumption and culinary use. Legacy blueberries are known for their adaptability, thriving in various climates and soil types, making them a versatile choice for gardeners. In addition to their delightful fruit, these bushes display beautiful white blossoms in spring and striking, fiery red foliage in the fall, adding ornamental charm to the landscape. With its resilience, impressive yield, and visual appeal, Blueberry Legacy remains a favored selection for both home gardens and commercial cultivation, offering a winning combination of flavor and aesthetics.

Plant Care Instructions

  1. Location and Sunlight: Plant your Legacy blueberry in well-draining, acidic soil with a pH level between 4.5 and 5.5. Ensure the location receives at least 6-8 hours of direct sunlight daily, as blueberries require full sun for optimal fruit production.
  2. Watering: Maintain consistent soil moisture to keep it evenly moist but not waterlogged. Regular and thorough watering is important, especially during dry spells.
  3. Pruning: Prune your Legacy blueberry in late winter or early spring to remove dead or overcrowded branches. Trim back the tips of branches to stimulate new growth and enhance fruit production.
  4. Fertilization: Apply an acidic, balanced fertilizer specifically formulated for blueberries in early spring and late summer. Follow the recommended dosage based on your plant’s size and age.
  5. Mulching: Add a 2-4 inch layer of organic mulch (such as pine needles, wood chips, or sawdust) around the base of the plant. Mulch helps maintain soil moisture and acidity.
  6. Pest and Disease Control: Keep an eye out for common blueberry pests like birds, aphids, and blueberry maggots. Protect your fruit with bird netting and use organic pest control methods as necessary. Prevent fungal diseases by ensuring proper air circulation and avoiding overhead watering. Apply suitable fungicides if required.
  7. Harvesting: Harvest ripe Legacy blueberries when they are fully blue and easily detach from the stem. Ripe berries should have a sweet aroma and be slightly soft to the touch.
  8. Winter Protection: In colder climates, protect your Legacy blueberry from harsh winter conditions by covering it with burlap or applying a winter mulch layer around the base to insulate the roots.
  9. Temperature: Maximum temperature 6 degrees.

Please note that local variations and specific conditions may require minor adjustments to these care instructions. So it’s a good idea to consult with our gardening experts through a personal video consultation available at this website only.

Additional information

Plant Height

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